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Steam Outage

Plant Operations is planning a four hour steam outage on Friday evening, September 24, 2004 starting at 6:00 PM until 10:00 PM. This outage is needed to make emergency repairs to the steam system.

Since the heating systems in the affected buildings have not yet been turned on, only dining hall steam service and hot water service to bathrooms, locker rooms, utility sinks and Burdick pool service will be affected. Cold water service will not be affected. Bathrooms in the affected buildings will remain in operation.

Affected buildings are:

Burdick Hall

Cook Library

Dowell Health

Glen Esk

Hawkins Hall

Lecture Hall

Lida Lee Tall

Linthicum Hall

Media Center


Smith Hall

Stephens Hall

Van Bokkelen Hall


University Union

Newell Hall

Newell Dining

Glen Dining

Residence Tower

Richmond Hall

Prettyman Hall

Scarborough Hall

Please direct any questions or concerns regarding this steam outage to Rene Florendo via e-mail, {rflorendo@towson.edu}, or by phone on extension 4-3976.