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Important Voter Registration Information

FACT: Less than half (43.6%) of 18-24 year olds are registered to vote.
FACT: Only 18.5% of registered 18-24 year olds voted in the last national election.
FACT: 18-24 year olds account for only 5.1% of the total US Vote in the 1998 elections.
Make sure your voice is being heard loud and clear during the General Election on November 2, 2004. Register, then Vote!

Towson University Campus Voter Registration Events:
September 21 7:30 p.m. Susquehanna Terrace
Voter Registration at the Dollar Bingo Night

September 28-29 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Under the Lecture Hall
Diebold Electronic Voting Machine Demonstration & Voter Registration

September 28 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. University Union, third floor
Political Science Election Awareness Day

October 4 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. Susquehanna Terrace
Pre-Law Society’s Pre-Election Debate

November 2 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Specific Polling Sites
General Election. Go vote!

Registration Deadlines:
Maryland voters, the last day to register is October 12, 2004.
Other states deadlines vary, please visit the FEC website for your state?s final registration date.

For more information or downloadable forms, check out the following websites:

Federal Election Commission {http://www.fec.gov}

Maryland State Board of Elections {http://www.elections.state.md.us}

Towson University Student Activities {http://www.towson.edu/studentactivities}

Contact: For more information, please visit the Office of Student Activities, UU 217 or call us at (410) 704-3307.