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Did You Ever Stop and Wonder How Your Incoming Mail Finds Its Way to You?

Most people don’t unless there is a problem. Mail Services sorts by department but based on recent data, some faculty & staff may not be aware of that very important fact.

Mail Services sorts mountains of mail every day. The numbers demand a consistent addressing standard so we encourage faculty & staff to include their department when giving out their address. We do understand that faculty & staff get unsolicited mail which is out of our control to some degree. In those cases we ask that administrative personnel take the opportunity to have those addresses corrected to include the department whenever possible.

A standard address should look like the following:


Building names, rooms numbers and directions are useless to Mail Services. It?s the department that counts.

Questions can be directed to our Web site: {http://www.towson.edu/mailservices} or call 410-704-2260. There is a helpful list of departments and acceptable abbreviations on our Web site as well, which will help you when sending campus mail.