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Free Trip To Israel

FREE TRIP TO ISRAEL- Applications now open! Birthright Israel is a free, 10-day trip that thousands have participated in just in the last 5 years. If you’re Jewish, between the ages of 18 and 26, and have never been to Israel on a peer-group trip, you qualify for this amazing adventure. YOU CAN GO TO […]

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International Students: Insurance Cards are Here

Message for International Students with the TU-sponsored student health insurance plan (TU SHIP): If you have not already picked up or received your new insurance card, please contact Mehmet Ergun, International Students Insurance Coordinator, via e-mail at {mergun1@towson.edu} with your TU ID number, your first and last name. Remember, you MUST carry your insurance card […]

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Flu Vaccine Shortage Affects TU Campus

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Campus Flu Vaccine Status Due to the national vaccine shortage, the Dowell Health Center has just learned that they will not be receiving any of its flu vaccine order. Please do not call the Health Center for updates on vaccine availability. Because of this shortage, available vaccine is being reserved for those at […]

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SalsaSational Tuesday!

In Celebration of LATINO Heritage Month the Latin American Student Organization would like to invite everyone to SalsaSational Tuesday!! Tuesday, October 12th in the POTOMAC LOUNGE of the University Union from 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. ?The Origins and Development of Salsa? presented by Eileen Torres, is a culturally rich, educational and entertaining presentation that […]

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Guest Speaker on Schizophrenia

Dr. Bethany Brand will be coming to facilitate a discussion about how realistic the movie, A Beautiful Mind is in portraying schizophrenia. Please come with ANY questions you may have regarding schizophrenia. The meeting will be on Wednesday, October 13 in PSYC 205 from 3:15-4:15 p.m. If you have any questions you can email us […]

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Coming Out Week Activities

Coming Out Week Activities sponsored by the Queer Student Union: Monday, 10/11/04: National Coming Out Day Table under the Lecture Hall from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. The Queer Student Union will be under the Lecture Hall, giving out information and resources about coming out of the closet. COME OUT and show your support! Tuesday, […]

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SalsaSational Tuesday!

In Celebration of LATINO Heritage Month the Latin American Student Organization would like to invite everyone to SalsaSational Tuesday!! Tuesday, October 12th in the POTOMAC LOUNGE of the University Union from 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. ?The Origins and Development of Salsa? presented by Eileen Torres, is a culturally rich, educational and entertaining presentation that […]

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Guest Speaker on Schizophrenia

Dr. Bethany Brand will be coming to facilitate a discussion about how realistic the movie, A Beautiful Mind is in portraying schizophrenia. Please come with ANY questions you may have regarding schizophrenia. The meeting will be on Wednesday, October 13 in PSYC 205 from 3:15-4:15 p.m. If you have any questions you can email us […]

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Coming Out Week Activities

Coming Out Week Activities sponsored by the Queer Student Union: Monday, 10/11/04: National Coming Out Day Table under the Lecture Hall from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. The Queer Student Union will be under the Lecture Hall, giving out information and resources about coming out of the closet. COME OUT and show your support! Tuesday, […]

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AAC Study Skills Workshop Series: Advancing Students and Enhancing Learning

The Academic Achievement Center will be hosting two workshops on Conquering Stage Fright: Delivering Class Presentations. The workshops will focus on understanding stage fright, accepting attention & relaxation techniques, and preparing a speech/presentation. Each workshop will consist of the same material and will be held on Tuesday, October 12, 2004 at 12:30 p.m. ? 1:30 […]

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Upcoming Planetarium Show

Dr. Norman Dean and the Physics, Astronomy & Geosciences Department will be presenting a planetarium show in the Watson-King Planetarium, Smith Hall, Room 521 on Friday, October 15th starting at 7:30 p.m. The show is titled “Columbus Had No GPS”. What stars guided Columbus? How did he determine his latitude? Why did he have such […]

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Join College Democrats!

Have an opinion but no one to share it with? Join the College Democrats for political discussion, food and friends! Our meetings are on Tuesdays at 5 p.m. in Chesapeake I on the third floor of the Union. Hope to see you all there! If you have any questions, email us at {collegedemstu@yahoo.com}.

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Question of the Week Winner Announced

Congratulations to Katie LaRue who won the drawing for the Question of the Week for September 29 to October 5, 2004. She answered our Question and was therefore entered into a drawing and won a $25 gift certificate to Staples. If you are a commuter student and would like to answer our Question of the […]

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Applications are due for ODK National Leadership Honor Society

Please turn in all ODK applications by Friday, October 8, 2004, to the Office of Student Activities, UU217.

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Inner Harbor Scavenger Hunt THIS WEEKEND: Freshmen & Transfer Students Wanted

Hillel’s 2nd Annual Inner Harbor Scavenger Hunt – Sunday, Oct. 10th Are you a first year or transfer student? Come explore Baltimore with a fun scavenger hunt complete with food, prizes, and making new friends. We’ll meet the bus in front of the Jewish Activities Center (JAC) at 12 p.m. We’ll be back at JAC […]

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Join College Democrats!

Have an opinion but no one to share it with? Join the College Democrats for political discussion, food and friends! Our meetings are on Tuesdays at 5 p.m. in Chesapeake I on the third floor of the Union. Hope to see you all there! If you have any questions, email us at {collegedemstu@yahoo.com}.

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Question of the Week Winner Announced

Congratulations to Katie LaRue who won the drawing for the Question of the Week for September 29 to October 5, 2004. She answered our Question and was therefore entered into a drawing and won a $25 gift certificate to Staples. If you are a commuter student and would like to answer our Question of the […]

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Applications are due for ODK National Leadership Honor Society

Please turn in all ODK applications by Friday, October 8, 2004, to the Office of Student Activities, UU217.

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Inner Harbor Scavenger Hunt THIS WEEKEND: Freshmen & Transfer Students Wanted

Hillel’s 2nd Annual Inner Harbor Scavenger Hunt – Sunday, Oct. 10th Are you a first year or transfer student? Come explore Baltimore with a fun scavenger hunt complete with food, prizes, and making new friends. We’ll meet the bus in front of the Jewish Activities Center (JAC) at 12 p.m. We’ll be back at JAC […]

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Invoices Submitted to Accounts Payable

Please assist us in reducing unnecessary paperwork by using the procurement card! The Procurement Department and Accounts Payable are working together to reduce the number of invoices submitted for payment. By doing so, the vendor will be paid within three days rather than the 15 – 20 days it takes to pay an invoice and […]

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