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Invoices Submitted to Accounts Payable

Please assist us in reducing unnecessary paperwork by using the procurement card! The Procurement Department and Accounts Payable are working together to reduce the number of invoices submitted for payment. By doing so, the vendor will be paid within three days rather than the 15 – 20 days it takes to pay an invoice and the costly steps of processing invoices through Annapolis are easily eliminated!

The procurement card is the most efficient way to make small dollar purchases. As a public institution, we must adhere to the policies established by the Maryland Board of Public Works (BPW). BPW Advisory No. P-001-98, Corporate Purchasing Card (CPC) – Mandatory Use, requires us to use the CPC or procurement card for delegated purchases of $2,500 or less. The only allowable exception is when the supplier does not accept the CPC. You may view the advisory in its entirety at
{http://www.bpw.state.md.us/pdf/001-98.pdf}. Because the University System of Maryland has a delegated threshold of $4,999, we encourage the campus to use the procurement card for purchases up to this amount.

If you are purchasing goods from a vendor who accepts the procurement card, use your procurement card to make the purchase. If you do not have a procurement card, ask a cardholder in your department to make the purchase on your behalf. If interested in finding out more about the procurement card program, contact the Procurement Department for information or visit our website at

If you have any questions about the procurement card, please contact Lorraine Ziara-Denmark at {lziaradenmark@towson.edu} or extension 4-3492. Should you have any questions about invoices, please contact Jo Ann Butler at {jbutler@towson.edu} or extension 4-2209.

Ronald E. Garrison
Associate Vice President
Fiscal Planning and Services