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Flu Vaccine Shortage Affects TU Campus

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Campus Flu Vaccine Status

Due to the national vaccine shortage, the Dowell Health Center has just learned that they will not be receiving any of its flu vaccine order. Please do not call the Health Center for updates on vaccine availability.

Because of this shortage, available vaccine is being reserved for those at highest risk for flu complications or for persons who care for those individuals.

THe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has just issued interim guidelines for who should not be immunized.

According to the CDC, healthy individuals between the ages of 2 and 64 years of age who do not fall in any of the priority groups listed below SHOULD DEFER OR FORGO being immunized at this time since they are at low risk for flu complications.

The following are Priority Groups for Influenza Vaccination:

All children between the ages of 6 and 23 months.

Anyone between 2 and 64 years of age with a chronic medical condition such as diabetes, asthma, chronic lung, heart or kidney disease, HIV/AIDS or other conditions that weaken the immune system, people on cancer chemotherapy or other immunosuppressant drugs.

All women who will be pregnant during influenza season.

Adults age 65 and older.

Residents of nursing homes or other long-term care facilities.

Children between the ages of 6 months and 18 years who take aspirin every day (common for juvenile arthritis, for example).

Health care workers who provide direct patient care.

People who care for children less than 6 months old.

If you are in one of the above priority groups, you can check for vaccine availability in your area by going to this web site and plugging in your zip code: {http://www.findaflushot.com}. There are a number of Giant food stores within five miles of the University that are listed there, as well as other locations.

For more information on the CDC’s interim recommendations for flu vaccine, information on flu prevention, etc.: {http://www.cdc.gov/flu/}.