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Thanksgiving & Holiday Safety

The TUPD wants everyone to have a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Since we understand that Thanksgiving is traditionally the start of holiday shopping, here are some tips to make your holiday both safe and enjoyable.

  • Cell phone robberies are becoming increasingly frequent, and some are violent in nature. Please put your cell phones away while in public, and be vigilant and aware of your surroundings at all times. If you have to use your cell phone, especially while walking, make it brief. We also recommend downloading tracking applications like Find My iPhone.  If an attempt is made to steal your phone, give the phone to the suspect. Phones can be replaced. If your phone is stolen, call the police.
  • Pay special attention to your wallets and purses. Keep the wallet in your front pants or jacket pocket. Purses should be kept close to your body and should not be dangling by the straps. Do not leave purses unattended at any time. Also, avoid hanging purses on hooks or door handles in restrooms.
  • Park in well-lit areas near mall or shopping center entrances. Place previously purchased bags and packages in the trunk or out of sight. Visually scan the area around you before exiting the vehicle as you head toward the entrance. When returning to the vehicle, have your keys in hand, look inside the vehicle before entering, lock the doors once inside, and then leave promptly.
  • Prepare before you drive. Map your route, fill your tank and check your tire pressure, lights and wiper blades. These simple steps may save you more than time on the highways.
  • Keep your eyes on the road and do not drive when distracted. Remember hand-held talking or texting while driving is illegal in Maryland.
  • Use a designated driver if alcohol figures into your Thanksgiving plans. At least one licensed driver in your vehicle should remain sober.

Maryland’s Check Point StrikeForce campaign is November 25, 2013 – January 4, 2014. Local law enforcement agencies will be out looking for impaired motorists.

TUPD wishes you a safe holiday. For more information on safety and crime prevention, go to http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/facilities/police/crimeprevention/safetytips.asp.  Please remember to BUCKLE UP!

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