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Faculty Kudos

College of Liberal Arts

 Jennifer Ballengee presented a paper, “A View from Here,” at ACL(x) / E(x)amine, a Conference of the American Comparative Literature Association on September 27 at the Pennsylvania State University.

 Barbara Bass arranged a workshop, “Enhancing Online Engagement through Technology,” at the Writing Center on September 25.

Geoff Becker was featured in the Baltimore Sunday Sun of September 1 in an article about the composition of short stories.  Later that day at the Ivy Bookshop Geoff read from his collection, Black Elvis.

 Sharon Becker presented “The World Is Wrong: Tate Langdon, Kit Walker, and Perpetual Boyhood in American Horror Story” at the April 2013 Popular Culture Conference.  In May she had presented “Those Dropping Hours: Melancholy and New Masculinity in This Side of Paradise” at the American Literature Association Conference.

Dave Belz read his essay, “The Spiders of Autumn,” on WYPR’s “The Signal,” September 13.  Also the “lit-zine,” Smile, Hon, You’re in Baltimore, ran his satirical essay, “My Upcoming Pulitzer.”

Peggy Benner’s Online Writing Support (OWS) service has passed the one-million mark in international visitors to the site.  At this writing the number is 1,021,176.

 Alan Britt’s poem, “One Life to Live,” has been nominated by the Crack the Spine Literary Magazine for the Best of the Net anthology, to be published  by Sundress Publications  in 2014. Similar to the Pushcart Award for best poems published each year in print form, the Best of the Net award acknowledges poems chosen by editors of web based publications for their choice of best poems published on the Web: http://www.crackthespine.com/p/blog-page.html.

Alan Britt also had five poems appear in the online literary website, Danse Macabre. Poems include “A Poem that Begins with Red Spiders, “Banana Peppers,” “Darkness and the Streetlamp,” “Fireflies” and “Lost Poems”. The poems can be accessed at http://www.dansemacabreonline.com/#!poetry1/c57w.

Lana Portolano won the Eugenio Battisti award from the Society for Utopian Studies for her article, “The Rhetorical Function of Utopia:  An Exploration of the Concept of Utopia in Rhetorical Theory,” in Utopian Studies 23.1 (2012).

