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STARS Report Measures TU’s Sustainability Efforts

TU’s Sustainability Tracking and Assessment Report Showcases the University’s Sustainability Performance in Operations, Education, and Administration

The Sustainability Tracking and Assessment Reporting System (STARS) is a program of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) to measure and compare higher education institution’s performance on sustainability. STARS is recognized as the most comprehensive, transparent, and widely used assessment system of sustainability in higher education in the world. Towson received a Bronze rating for its sustainability performance in FY 2012 which included education and research, operations, planning, administration and engagement. This new report by the TU Office of Sustainability documents Towson’s sustainability performance as rated by STARS, including explanations for each score category, the full STARS score card, and recommendations for improvement. The report shows that Towson that performed well in the areas of sustainability planning administration and engagement, and less well in operations, sustainability education and research. Towson’s data is public and available on the AASHE website at https://stars.aashe.org/. Click here to download the STARS Report.

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