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Faculty Kudos

College of Education

Richard Vatz, Instructional Leadership and Professional Development Dept., appeared on WBFF-TV (July 3) to comment on the political significance of the delayed implementation of the Affordable Care Act; appeared on WJZ-TV’s “Square Off” (June 30) to discuss the spike in violence in Baltimore and the Supreme Court’s ruling on DOMA; was a guest on WBAL’s Jimmy Mathis’ Radio Show (July 6) to discuss President Obama’s second term and violence in Baltimore; spoke on Fox regional television on why presidents usually desire second terms (week of July 8) and returned to the station the next week to discuss cost overruns in the U.S. Dept. of Energy; was a guest on WBAL’s C-4’s talk to discuss the acquittal of George Zimmerman (July 15).

College of Liberal Arts

Andrew Reiner, English, had an Op-Ed, “John Adams: The Forgotten Founder,” published in both the Baltimore Sun and the Boston Herald on July 4, 2013. The essay explores why John Adams was perhaps the greatest Founding Father during the American Revolution.

Kimberly Katz, History, recently returned from a research trip to Jordan and Palestine. Professor Katz was interviewed live from Jordan on June 25, 2013 on WYPR’s Midday with Dan Rodricks program about the civil war in Syria and the effects of the Syrian refugee crisis in Jordan. Click here for the podcast. Upon her return, Midday’s Dan Rodricks called upon her to discuss the events unfolding in Egypt on July 12, 2013, following widespread protest by millions of Egyptian citizens and the military’s deposition of the country’s elected Islamist president, Muhammad Mursi. Click here for the podcast.
