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Mobile Application Development using PhoneGap – MobileDev@TU Seminars

The Department of Computer and Information Sciences presents a seminar on:

Mobile Application Development using PhoneGap

Speakers: Andrew Trice (Adobe)

About the talk:

  • Interested in developing applications for mobile devices, on multiple platforms?
  • Interested in leveraging your existing web development skills to build natively installed applications?
  • Just looking to expand your skill set?

Come join Adobe Technical Evangelist, Andrew Trice, to learn about cross platform mobile development and PhoneGap.   In this session, you will get an introduction to PhoneGap (Apache Cordova), be able to see example PhoneGap applications, get questions answered, and walk through the process of building your first PhoneGap application.

Date: Tuesday March 5, 2013, 5:30 p.m. (refreshments), 6 p.m. (talk)

Location: 7800 York Rd, rm 459

RSVP is required.

RSVP and more details at: { http://www.meetup.com/MobileDevTU/}

About MobileDev@TU Meetup:

This event is part of a larger effort to bridge Towson University students and the IT industry and to increase opportunities for both groups. We find that software development meetups in Baltimore have little student representation and this group is aimed at filling that void. Please contact {modev@towson.edu} for more details.

