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Make a New Year’s Resolution for Positive Change with Campus Recreation

Campus Recreation
Services invites you to “Rec the Halls with Resolutions” this holiday season. As
the semester comes to a close, take time to reflect on your accomplishments and
the positive changes you made in 2012. Then visualize yourself having even more
success in 2013. Think about the steps you need to take in order to make those
dreams become realities and resolve to follow through with your action

Studies have shown that people who share their resolutions with
others are more likely to achieve them. Campus Recreation Services is creating a
paper chain of New Year’s Resolutions in the Burdick Hall Fitness Center. We’re
inviting the TU community to share their resolutions and help us forge a chain
of positive change for 2013.

Whether your resolution is related to living
a healthier, more active lifestyle, improving your grades, getting an
internship, or becoming more involved at TU, let Campus Recreation Services and
your fellow Tigers help you follow through. Students, faculty and staff are
welcome to participate. There will be a table set up in the Fitness Center
during all hours of operation beginning Monday, December 17.

Finish the
semester strong!

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