TU home | T3 | Water and Steam Outage Saturday, October 27

Water and Steam Outage Saturday, October 27

On Saturday, October 27, water service will at approximately 9 p.m. and steam service will shut down at approximately 11 a.m. Both outages are expected to end at 11 a.m. Sunday, October 28. They are a continuation of work on the new utility connections throughout campus.

The following buildings will be without water and steam service:
Power Plant
Newell Dining
Newell Hall
Richmond Hall
Stephens Hall
Van Bokkelen Hall

These buildings will be without domestic hot and cold water, heating and cooling during the outage.

The following buildings will be without steam service only:
Dowell Health Center
Ward Hall
West Hall
Residence Tower
Media Center
Cook Library
Smith Hall
University Union
Burdick Hall
Hawkins Hall
Lecture Hall
Linthicum Hall

These buildings will be without domestic hot water and heat during the outage. Hawkins Hall, Psychology, and the Lecture Hall will also be without cooling.

The estimated start up time for water and steam services is 11 a.m. Sunday, October 28. All services are expected to function normally by 5 p.m. Sunday barring any problems. Two portable toilets will be available in front of both Richmond and Newell Halls for student use during the water outage.

We apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate your continued understanding as Towson University grows. Please contact Mark Behrens at 410-704-3966 or {mbehrens@towson.edu} with any questions pertaining to the outages.