TU home | T3 | Have you completed the cellular usage form this month?

Have you completed the cellular usage form this month?

Employees using university-supplied cell phones must complete the cellular usage form each month regardless of whether the phone has been used for personal calls.

Employees can access the form by selecting the Personal Cellular Reimbursement link under Administrative Resources on the inside.towson.edu web site. You can also access the university?s Cellular Policies and Procedures at {https://inside.towson.edu/generalcampus/tupolicies/categorylist.cfm?thecategory=Information%20Technology}

Any questions about cellular reimbursement should be directed to Jim Monroe at x4-3429 and {jmonroe@towson.edu}, or Alex Konialian at x4-5827 and {akonialian@towson.edu}.