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Towson University Presents “Eleemosynary”

Studio Theatre, Center for the Arts
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, March 9-11, 8 p.m.
Saturday, March 12, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Sunday, March 13, 2 p.m.

Three women in a single family representing the three generation of mother/daughter and granddaughter struggle to find their own identities and yet make the deeply longed-for connections that are so difficult between the women in any family where expectations of others and needs for self often come into conflict. Funny, touching and moving in and out of time this one-act play is sure to stick in your memory while you recognize these ties that bind.

Tickets: $10 general, $5 students and seniors

On Friday, March 11th, there will be a talk back after the show with panelist, Adjunct Professor, Chris Potts from Women’s Studies.
For tickets, {www.towson.edu/centerforthearts} {} or 410-704-2787.

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