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Upcoming Writing Lab Workshops

1. Workshopping the Workshop, Wednesday, March 9, at 11:00 a.m. in Linthicum 308.

A new workshop for us, this one takes on the classroom writing workshop and peer response group, offering tips on getting and receiving good criticism. Tutors Farah and Emilia will show students how to talk about another student’s writing in a way that is both positive and constructive–and how to hear and use the responses they get to their own written work.

2. Research Writing Workshop I: Effective Note Taking and Organizing. Wednesday, March 9, at 11:00 a.m. in Li 308

Tutors Sam and Emilia will share effective strategies for taking notes and organizing content in research writing.

3. The Revision Process, Wednesday, March 30, at noon, in Li 308

Tutors Paul and Nate share strategies for revising essays.

4. Research Writing Workshop II: Introductions and Conclusions, Friday, April 8, at 11:00 a.m., Li 308

Sam and Emilia talk about effective ways to begin and end your research papers.

All workshops are free. Please contact Dr. Deborah Shaller, {dshaller@towson.edu}, with questions.