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International Association for the Study of Environment, Space, and Place Conference

The Sixth Annual International Association for the Study of Environment, Space, and Place Conference will take place on April 30 ? May 2, 2010 at the Towson University. The Conference theme this year will be: Spacings of Technologies Technologies: Geographies of Human Makings and Formings of Human Life

In everyday life, technologies are taken to be tools, merely means to ends. However, technologies are Spatially Productive: By spatially creating and reorganizing material conditions and relations, social life and institutions, and human operators. This conference explores the spatialized/spatializing aspects of technologies as fashioners of life. Humans create technologies with specific intentions in mind. Still, technologies exhibit their own poiesis and function dialectically in contexts in which they alter and are altered. As material forces they retroject meanings back onto humanity, other living beings, and the environment in unexpected and unforeseeable ways. Technologies create new forms of space out of which new forms of phenomena appear. Technologies inform human identities in constructing life in the image of their being.

Abstracts deadline is January 10, 2010. Send all abstracts to Steven Sandbank Program Co-Chair at {ssandban@verizon.net}

For further information please contact John Murungi at 410-704-3935 or Stephannie Faison at 410-704-2755 or go to {http://www.towson.edu/iasesp}