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TU LeaderShape Recruiting Faculty/Staff Volunteers

Please consider the opportunity to participate as a member of the team that will present the second TU Leadershape Institute to our students.

The TU LeaderShape Institute is a 6-day leadership institute for 50-60 of our students. TU LeaderShape will take place from January 22 through January 27, 2006 and is scheduled to be held at the YMCA Tockwogh Conference Center in Worton, MD.

Creating a strong faculty team to facilitate the institute is the key to its success. We are looking for faculty and staff of the TU community who are willing to make the commitment to the program as a cluster facilitator.

As a Cluster Facilitator, you would work closely with a group of 10-12 young men and women during the session. This group is called a “Family Cluster” and as the name implies, this group becomes one of the primary supports for the growth and leadership development of our participants.

If you are interested in learning more about the possibility of serving as a cluster facilitator for the 2006 TU LeaderShape Institute, please contact Dr. Teri Hall, Assistant Vice President for Campus Life at 410-704-2332 or {thall@towson.edu}