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Recognizing Leaders: Student Affairs Leadership Awards

Every spring the Division of Student Affairs hosts the Student Affairs Leadership Awards Ceremony. This is the way we honor our student leaders for their hard work, committment and energy that they put into serving the local campus and community as leaders.

Please consider nominating students, peers, or organization members for an award that you think they deserve. Leadership Awards booklets are available in the Office of Student Activities, University Union 217. Stop by and ask for a booklet.

Below is a complete list of the awards that you can nominate a fellow students for, including the three new awards.

Outstanding Advisor Award
Outstanding Community Service Award – Individual
Outstanding Community Service Award – Organization
Outstanding Multicultural Program Award
Outstanding Program Award
Mary Leeper Student Government Scholarship
James R. Saxon Memorial Scholarship
Student Affairs Unsung Hero Award
Hoke L. Smith Outstanding Student Organization Award
Vice President for Student Affairs Leadership Award
*Emerging Leader Award*
*Outstanding Senior Award*
*Outstanding Graduate Student Award*

The deadline for nomination is Friday, March 11th.