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High School Speech & Debate Tournament on January 31, 2004

The Speech and Debate Program proudly announces the 4th Annual Towson University Speech and Debate Tournament. This event will bring hundreds of high school competitors from around the region to the Towson campus on Saturday, January 31st from 8:30 to 5:00 pm.

The tournament is also sponsored by the Baltimore Urban Debate League and the Baltimore Catholic Forensic League – two of the strongest leagues in the country. Last year’s event was featured on CBS’ 60 Minutes and this year promises to be equally rewarding with students facing off in a variety of events from debates over environmental protection to performance of literature. Please join us and see what all the excitement is about.

We are especially eager to have Towson faculty, students, and staff judge events. Judging is open to all and training is available for new judges. This year, we expect more than 300 competitors since this event has traditionally been the largest high school forensics competition in the state of Maryland.

All registration will take place in the Potomac Lounge of the University Union. Rounds will be taking place all across the campus. Registration begins at 7:30. A training session will be offered for new policy debate judges on Wednesday January 28th from 4:30-6:30 in the Media Center, Room 203. Compensation for judges includes $15 a round (there are 3 rounds of debate) plus breakfast and lunch.

If you’d like to help or find out more about the event, please contact Diana Kerns at 410-704-5816 or Chris Baron {baron@budl.org}. Information on the league is available at {http://www.budl.org}.

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