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A Townhall Debate on National Security

As part of the Every Other Wednesday Series, the Department of Mass Communication and Communication Studies and the TU Speech and Debate Program present a Town Hall Debate on National Security. Members of the speech and debate team have a debate on the issues surrounding the efficacy of measures to make the United States secure. There will be plenty of time allocated to allow your voices to be heard. This debate will focus on issues of terrorism related to U.S. Middle East Relations.

The debate is 4:00-5:00pm in the Susquehanna Terrace on September 19, 2007.

For more information on the Every Other Wednesday Series, please visit {http://www.towson.edu/speechanddebate/pages/EveryOtherWednesdaySeries.html}
Or contact Dr. Darren C. Goins {dgoins@towson.edu} or 410/704-2888.

For more information on the Towson University Speech and Debate Program check us out on the web at
{http://www.towson.edu/speechanddebate} or contact Dr. Goins or Beth Skinner at {eskinner@towson.edu} or 410/704-5354