TU home | T3 | Reminder ? September Celebration Programs Due

Reminder ? September Celebration Programs Due

If your department or student organization currently has programs planned from August 27th ? September 30th, please send the following information to Bridget Chase at {bchase@towson.edu} before or by June 18th, 2007 to be included in the September Celebration publication:

Name of Event
Date and Time of Event
Location of Event (please request/confirm location with Events & Conference Services first)
Brief Description
Sponsoring Organization

If you do not have any programs planned, but would like to consider adding one, your efforts would be greatly appreciated. Ideas include departmental open houses, specialty lectures, service-learning projects, organized trips, etc. For more information, please contact Office of Student Activities at 410-704-3307.

Thank you for helping to make September Celebration a wonderful welcome for all of our students!