TU home | T3 | Attention Blackboard Users: Blackboard upgrade begins August 12

Attention Blackboard Users: Blackboard upgrade begins August 12

Critical Blackboard Downtime Information

From 1:50 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 12 through noon Monday, Aug. 20 all Blackboard services will be unavailable. The downtime will enable the migration of all current courses and data to the new system, performance of final product updates and configuration changes, and proper testing of the integrity of the migration.

How You Should Prepare

Please complete the following steps prior to August 12th. If you have a course that is currently underway on the site, wait until after the course has ended to complete the following steps.

1. Follow the instructions in the end of semester document if you have not already completed them for a course site you have taught. The end of semester document can be found at {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/OTS/Training/documentation/Blackboard/Version%206/End_of_Semester_Responsibilities_Faculty.pdf}

2.Exporting your course site creates a back up of all the content you have added to your course site. You must complete these steps if you have not created an archive of your course site. Instructions can be found at {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/OTS/Training/documentation/Blackboard/Version%206/Export_Course_Faculty.pdf}

3.Get information on the new Blackboard features available at {www.towson.edu/facultyonline}

If you Identify a Problem

If you identify problems with your course site or account after logging in to the new Blackboard environment after noon Monday, Aug. 20, please send specific and detailed information regarding the problem to {blackboard@towson.edu}.

Requests must originate from a Towson University e-mail account (not a Comcast, AOL or other e-mail). Responses to e-mail support requests will only be sent to Towson University e-mail accounts. Your support requests should minimally contain the following information:

1. Your full name (i.e., Nick Charles)
2. Your TowsonU account name (i.e., NCHARLES)
3. The specific course site in question (i.e., MKGT341C)
4. As much detail as you can provide about the problem

Several OTS employees will be dedicated to problem resolution for the first few days after the transition to facilitate rapid resolution. These requests will be handled by the OTS staff in the order in which they are received.

Thank you again for your assistance and patience as we make these changes to the Blackboard system.