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Emergency Preparedness Tip – Protect Yourself Against Tornadoes

The key to surviving a tornado lies in planning and practicing what to do if a tornado strikes. Always be aware of your surroundings and pay attention to changes in the weather.

The following signs that may indicate an approaching tornado:
– A dark or green-colored sky
– A large, dark, low-lying cloud
– Large hail
– A load roar that sounds like a freight train

If a tornado does approach, take the following steps:
– Take shelter immediately if you see a funnel cloud.
– Go inside a building and shelter in the interior part of the building?s basement. This is the safest place to be in a tornado.
– If the building you are in does not have a basement, go to the bottom floor of the building and shelter in an interior room that does not of windows. This can even be a hallway, bathroom or closet.
– Protect your head with an object or with your arms.
– Avoid windows.

If you encounter a tornado while driving:
– Stop your vehicle and take shelter; do not try to outrun the tornado in your car!
– If you are not in proximity of a building, lie down flat in a gully, ditch or low spot in the ground and take shelter there.

*This message taken from the 2008 Baltimore County Emergency Preparedness Calendar. For more information on emergency preparedness, go to {http://www.ready.gov/} or call the TUPD at x4-2134.