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McAfee 8.6 Antivirus Software Available for Macintosh Computers

McAfee VirusScan 8.6 antivirus software for Macintosh computers is now available to university faculty, staff and students for installation on university and personally owned computers. McAfee is provided free of charge to the campus community through the MEEC program. The software is compatible with Mac OS 10.4 Tiger and Mac OS 10.5 Leopard. Apple recommends installing antivirus software on their computers, and all computers connected to the university network are required to run antivirus software.

Mac users are encouraged to install this new version of McAfee to protect their computers and prevent viruses from being passed on to others. Macs are becoming more susceptible to viruses as their popularity increases. Without running antivirus software, Macs can pass viruses on to other computers when files are shared on email or on a network drive, e.g. the university H: and O:drives.

Note: Mac users that are running Boot Camp or similar products that enable Microsoft Windows to be installed on their Mac will also want to install McAfee antivirus software for Windows.

The latest McAfee software for Macs and Windows, including installation instructions, is available on the Office of Technology Services (OTS) software downloads site at {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/ots/downloadsforms/softwaredownloads.asp}.

Information about Macintosh computers at the university can be found at {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/OTS/support/maccorner.asp}.