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Winter Break Safety Message

Another winter is upon us, and with it comes the holiday season. Amidst the hustle and confusion of this time of year we tend to forget basic tips for crime prevention. The Towson University Police Department would like to remind you not to become a victim of a crime of opportunity this holiday season.

– Practice all of the safety measures you use in your everyday affairs. Always be aware if your surroundings whether at work, home, traveling or shopping. If you have an uneasy feeling about a situation, try to avoid the situation. While at work there are usually less employees due to people taking days off during the holiday. You should know who is working in your area. If you see any suspicious subjects in an area, contact TUPD immediately.

– Make sure when you leave your office lock the door and desk if possible. Don?t leave any valuables, personal or university owned, unsecured. Do not hang your purse or jacket on the back of the office door, as it can be removed quickly and unnoticed by you. Also, when leaving work to go home try to exit the building with someone else leaving at the same time. If possible let someone at home know what time to expect you in case something occurs to make you late arriving home. That way they can notify authorities to locate you and check on your situation.

– When leaving your home, secure all doors and windows and leave some interior lights lit for the appearance of the house being occupied. It is also helpful to leave a radio playing if you are going out for a short time. If you are leaving the house unoccupied for several days leave lights working on a timer so that they light at night. Also, either cancel newspaper and mail deliveries or have someone you trust pick them up for you daily. Let friends or neighbors that you trust know when you will be away so that they know when the house will be unoccupied.

– If you are shopping don?t take more cash or credit cards then you think you will need. Try not to go by yourself if possible. Besides being safer it is usually more fun to shop with a relative or neighbor. Once again be aware of your surroundings and let someone know your itinerary for this trip. While shopping keep your purse within your grasp not dangling by the strap. Carry your cash and/or wallet in your front pants pocket to avoid being a victim of a pickpocket. Don?t overload yourself with too many packages at one time as this makes it difficult to walk and manuver. Carry packages to your vehicle and place them in the trunk and then continue shopping.

– Have your keys in your hand when approaching your vehicle. Don?t leave anything of value visible in the vehicle. Before entering the passenger compartment of the vehicle check the interior, including the back seat and floor area. This way if someone is in the vehicle you will see them before entering.

– If attending any parties or family functions during the holidays, don?t drink and drive. If you drink make certain you have a safe way home, either a designated driver or public transportation. If this isn?t possible spend the night where you are to avoid driving. When driving be extra attentive since the roads will be more crowded then normal. Watch out for the other guy, who may possibly be intoxicated, and drive defensively. Remember to always BUCKLE UP.

For more crime prevention tips, contact the Towson University Police Community Crime Reduction Unit at 410-704-3403 or visit our website at {http://www.towson.edu/police}.

TUPD wishes you a safe and happy holiday season.