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Gold File Server Downtime Affecting all Faculty/Staff H Drives

Faculty and staff H drives will be unavailable from 10 p.m. Saturday, June 23 until 10 a.m. Sunday, June 24 for reconfiguration. Please log off of your computer before you leave on Friday, June 22 to allow the changes to take place. All on-campus Windows computers should see the new H drive (home folder) location the next time they log on.

Those individuals who manually map a file share to their home folder (such as VPN users off campus or Macintosh users) will need to change the share path from {\goldusername$} to {\homeshareusername$}. For most individuals, that change will not be necessary.

Macintosh systems must be manually configured to map to the new H drive location. Instructions to map your H drive are available on the OTS self-help site at: {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/OTS/training/documentation/Macintosh/Macintosh_Connecting_to_Shares.pdf}

Questions on Macintosh systems should be directed to the Virtual Mac Support Team at {macusers@towson.edu}

The system reconfiguration will significantly improve service reliability and system performance. Throughout late June, July and August, OTS will also upgrade O: (departmental) drives and custom shares. Targeted e-mail messages will be sent to members of shares to inform them of the new share paths.

For further information on this project please visit {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/ots/CoreTechSecurity/goldupgrade.asp}. You may also contact the OTS Help Center at x4-5151.