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Towson Has RecycleMania!

For the next ten weeks, recycling at Towson will be more than easy ? it?ll be madness!

From January 25 to March 27, Towson University will compete against more than 500 colleges and universities in RecycleMania, a national recycling and waste minimization competition.

Last year, Towson placed first in the state in the least amount of waste and the overall amount of recycling collected. Help defend our title by joining your colleagues and friends in recycling today!

You can view weekly updates on Towson?s RecycleMania standings at {http://www.towson.edu/recyclemania} or by becoming a fan of Towson Goes Green on Facebook at {http://www.facebook.com/pages/Towson-MD/Towson-Goes-Green/52012350350}.

Get in on the mania ? recycle today!