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Acting Director of Honors College Announced

I am pleased to announce that effective immediately, Prof. Jeffrey Michael will assume leadership of the programs housed in the Honors College as Acting Director. Since joining Towson University, Prof. Michael has been deeply involved in the Honors College and its advisory board, and I believe the students will benefit considerably from his commitment.

I would also like to thank the two individuals most recently directing the programs. As some of you may know, Prof. Louise Laurence has assumed the position of Associate Dean of the College of Business and Economic, adding her considerable talents to the administrative team of the Division of Academic Affairs. Prof. Joan McMahon is returning to full-time time faculty responsibilities in the Program in Human Resource Development, housed within the College of Liberal Arts. I am grateful to both colleagues for their efforts to advance the honors programs.

Enhancing the honors experience at Towson University is a priority of our strategic planning. When I joined the university on 1 March 2004, I continued a committee appointed by Provost Leather. The committee presented its recommendations to me in June, and I have reviewed my response with the Faculty Senate Executive Committee as well as the President. I hope to use the fall semester as a transition to a new vision of honors at Towson, and I am grateful to Prof. Michael for agreeing to a central role in this transition.

Thank you.

James F. Brennan
Provost and Vice President
for Academic Affairs
Professor of Psychology