TU home | T3 | Graduate Lecture Series - Nov. 11, Dr. Peter Beilenson, Baltimore Commissioner of Health

Graduate Lecture Series – Nov. 11, Dr. Peter Beilenson, Baltimore Commissioner of Health

The next Graduate Lecture Series program features the Baltimore Commissioner of Health, Dr. Peter Beilenson, speaking on “Keeping Baltimore Healthy: Putting Policy into Practice.” The program is on Tuesday, November 11, at 7:00 p.m. in the Potomac Room of the University Union. A reception at 6:30 p.m. precedes the lecture, and the College of Health Professions will hold a showcase open house of their graduate programs in the lobby outside the Potomac Room, starting at 6:00 p.m. There is no charge.

The program is jointly sponsored by the College of Graduate Education and Research and the College of Health Professions.

Dr Beilenson has become a familiar face on television news, as his department is involved with many city issues: drugs, AIDS, teen pregnancy, lead in paint and the water, SARS, and emergency preparedness. We expect him to address these and other issues and discuss how Baltimore is working to handle the many interrelated problems.

Faculty are encouraged in bring the program to the attention of their students. Students should note that this event is part of the PICK Passport Program.

All faculty, staff, and students are invited.

Contact information: phone 410-704-2077 or email lshirley@towson.edu

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