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Act!Speak!Build! – this is Habitat for Humanity’s advocay week. Our group is dedicated to ending poverty housing world-wide. Join us this Saturday as we continue this mission in Sandtown renovating row homes and promoting community. For more information contact Christina at {tuhabitat1@hotmail.com} or come to our meeting this Thursday at 7pm on the third floor of the University Union and discover the many ways you can help!

Statistics about people in need around the world:

? The worldwide population exceeds 6 billion people and will increase by nearly 80 million people per year.

? Of the 6 billion people in the world, more than 1 billion live on less than US$1 a day and almost 3 billion live on less than US$2 a day

? Almost 1.3 billion people in developing countries don?t even have access to clean water. Another 2 billion people don?t have access to adequate sanitation.

Check out our website: {http://wwwnew.towson.edu/tuhabitat}