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Model Passover Seder in American Sign Language

The Deaf Studies Program and Towson University Hillel will co-sponsor a Model Passover Seder in ASL on Sunday, April 10 from 3-6 pm in the Jewish Cultural Center in Newell Hall. This Seder will be lead by a Deaf Rabbi, and voice interpreting will be provided. The goals of the Seder are to teach the sign vocabulary of Passover and to bring together the Baltimore Jewish Deaf community with the Towson University Jewish signing community. Deaf and hearing people are invited to attend.

The Seder will include a free Kosher Passsover meal. RSVPs required by 5 pm on Wednesday, April 10. RSVP to {onehappiegrl@aol.com}.

For more information, contact Sheryl Cooper at 410-704-2436 voice/tty.

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