TU home | T3 | Unknot & Tie--Music and Dance of Korea

Unknot & Tie–Music and Dance of Korea

Asian Arts & Culture Center presents Unknot & Tie, Music and Dance of Korea, Saturday, April 17 at 8 p.m. in the Stephens Hall Theatre. The concert features a trio with acclaimed musician and composer Jin Hi Kim on Korean Komungo, Min Xiao-Fen on Chinese pipa, and Gerry Hemingway on drum set, unknot the conventional patterns of Korean music to achieve an innovative style of the music imbued with meditative and vivid energy. Following the trio, the Washington Korean Dance Company will tie the many styles of traditional Korean dance into a performance that combines the beauty and grace of classic dance with the charged rhythm and color of folk dance.
$15 general; $12 seniors, TU faculty and staff; $10 AA&CC members and students.

For tickets: 410- 704-2787 or {centerforthearts@towson.edu}. For info: 410-704-2807. {asianarts@towson.edu}

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