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Multicultural Institute Faculty Training Spring 2004 Application

The Multicultural Institute invites you to attend a series of workshops interrogating the meaning of “diversity” in the classroom and leading to the eventual transformation of the ways we teach and learn. By encouraging classroom experiences structured around models of diversity, these workshops will help connect learning to positive, social transformation. Participants in these pilot workshops will be part of the planning group for subsequent Multicultural Institute Faculty Training sessions and may, in addition, be part of future grants and publications.

Program Description: Participants will attend a series of workshops designed to infuse diversity into their curricula. A brief, organizational meeting will take place in May; the bulk of the workshops, however, will occur in Fall of 2004. A $100 stipend will be provided after the second workshop to cover the costs of books and photocopying.

1. Describe “diversity” (broadly conceived) in your discipline. What changes would have to take place in order to make your discipline more diverse?

2. Describe a course you would like to work on during these workshops.
Return by April 30, 2004 to Goran Trajkovski, Computer and Information Sciences, {gtrajkovski@towson.edu}, or Samuel Collins, Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice, {scollins@towson.edu}.