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General Education Waiver Extended

The waiver of the IIA2 (Science, Technology, and Modern Society) category has been extended. Students may therefore fulfill their IIA general education requirements:

1. by taking two courses in IIA1 that total eight credits or more; or
2. by taking two courses in IIA1 that total seven credits or fewer AND one course in IIA2; or
3. by taking two courses in IIA1 AND a third IIA1 course in any discipline.

To take option number three, students must complete ALL three courses by the end of May 2006. For their first two courses in IIA1, students must take either one course in two different disciplines (for example, BIOL and PHYS) or two sequential courses in a single discipline (marked with a superscript 1 and 2 in the gen ed listing, for example: CHEM1051 andCHEM1062); one of these courses must be a lab course (NON-lab courses are marked with an asterisk).

A complete list of general education courses can be found at {http://onestop.towson.edu/courses/gened}