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Air Conditioning University Buildings

Faculty, staff, and students should be aware that certain university buildings are more vulnerable than others to varying degrees of climate control due to large temperature swings this time of year. The differences are mainly due to differing mechanical systems and equipment. The information below is for those building occupants most affected:

Cook Library (Floors 2-5), Newell Dining, Newell, Richmond, Stephens, Van Bokkelen, and 7800 York Road:

Alterations are being done to the central chilled water loop that services these buildings and upgrades will be completed within the next three weeks.

Linthicum Hall:

The mechanical system is only capable of either hot water or chilled water with operational difficulties associated with frequent turnovers. Switchover from hot water to chilled water will occur once there is a forecast of continual warm temperatures.

We appreciate your understanding and tolerance of these seasonal effects. Questions or concerns can be directed to Dennis Bohlayer on 4-3392.