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3rd and 4th Summer Session Grade Rosters

Faculty may now access all final grade rosters for the Summer Sessions on the web using Faculty Self Service. The log-in link can be found at {http://inside.towson.edu/} , click on the blue header bar on top of the page “Online Services”. Log-in to “Online Services” using your TowsonU username and password. The navigation to access the grade roster is as follows: SA Self Service>Learning Management>Home>Learning Management. Under Management “click” on Record Grades.
If you do not have a TowsonU account, please contact the OTS Help Desk at 410-704-5151.

VERY IMPORTANT…..For instructions on how to enter and submit final grades please refer to: {http://wwwnew.towson.edu/adminfinance/OTS/training/faculty/training/onlineservices/entergradescombo3.html} .

REMINDER: Grades are due 48 hours after the final exam.