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Religious Observance – Fall 2004

Just a reminder that the Jewish holy day of Rosh Hashanah will occur on Thursday, September 16 and Friday, September 17. Observance will begin at sundown on Wednesday, September 15.

Yom Kippur occurs on Saturday, September 25, with observance beginning on the evening before, at sundown on Friday, September 24.

Following Yom Kippur are the holy days of Sukkot. The main, work-restricted days are Thursday, September 30 (observance begins at sundown on Wednesday), Friday, October 1, Thursday, October 7 (again observance begins at sundown on Wednesday) and Friday, October 8.

Faculty who teach Saturday or alternate Saturday classes, or faculty who teach weekday or evening classes, who will be observing any of the holy days, and whose classes are affected by the observance, should advise their students well in advance if they intend to observe any of the holy days and provide alternative instructional days or activities.

Both USM and University policies permit excused absences from class for religious observance. Students who plan to be absent from class on any of these holy days are required to give faculty advanced notice. Accordingly, students who give notice may not be penalized for being absent from class, and must be given the opportunity, where feasible, to makeup any missed class work, quizzes or exams. Please make note of these dates and share them with your students so arrangements can be made in a timely manner, and with a minimum of disruption to instruction.

Staff members who plan to observe any of the holy days should notify their immediate supervisor so proper staff coverage can be accommodated. Staff members must use accrued leave.

If you have any questions about the attendance/absence policy as it relates to religious observance, please contact Bill Reuling at extension 4-4632, or Teri Hall at 4-2332. Staff members should contact Kathy Marsalek in Human Resources at extension 4-6021.

Thank you for your cooperation.