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PICK Passport Returns for a Second Great Year

The PICK Passport is a tool to increase and track co-curricular activity of the freshmen class. This program can help to increase usage numbers for your office and attendance at your special events and programs. Read on …

The basics of the PICK Passport:
The passport involves the completion of six requirements throughout the Fall semester.

P = Professor’s Choice
Students must complete two programs that their professors have chosen.
Possible idea: “Book of the Year”

I = Involve Yourself
Students must join at least one student organization.

C = Choose Programs
Students have the freedom to choose their own programs. They must attend at least two programs throughout the academic school year. Students can choose from leadership programs, community service, Greek Life, campus activities, Housing & Residence Life sponsored programs, diversity topics, Orientation series, etc.

K = Know TU Services
Students must utilize at least one on-campus service, such as Academic Advising, Career Center, Disability Support Services, Campus Recreation Services, Health Center, Women’s Center, etc.

All new students will receive a business card with the PICK Passport requirements. Students will actively seek out stamps and services to complete their passport. Students who attend an event that does not have a stamp present may go to 217 University Union to have their cards stamped once proof of attendance is presented. At the conclusion of the Fall semester, prizes will be awarded by FYE group to the students who have completed their passport.

Hosting a Program? If you will be sponsoring a program and would like to include the event in the PICK Passport program, please contact Teri Hall {thall@towson.edu} or Corey Bailey {cbailey@towson.edu} or by calling 410-704-3307. By contacting the Office of Student Activities, you will be given appropriate stamps and signage for your event.

Need a Stamp for Your Department? If your area regularly provides services to new students, you can request a PICK Passport stamp. Simply contact Corey Bailey {cbailey@towson.edu} or at 410-704-3307. Your area will then have the ability to stamp PICK Passports for students upon completion of your services.