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Believe in Our Schools Campaign

This summer, the Baltimore City Mayor’s Office will be partnering with business and community leaders, and private partners to make needed improvements to Baltimore City’s public schools. Led by Mayor Martin O’Malley, we seek to recruit volunteers to help with our Believe in Our Schools Campaign in order to lead a first step in the renewing of Baltimore’s reputation as a great place for students to learn. Your personal involvement and support is essential to the success of this program!

What is Believe in Our Schools?

The Believe in Our Schools is a community-wide effort led by Mayor O’Malley to make improvements throughout this summer to ALL schools focusing in four areas: paintwork, bathrooms, windows and grounds. Additionally, other issues plaguing our schools will be addressed in specific instances.

What do I have to do?

Volunteers will work on specific projects at one of the city’s schools. Projects will include paintwork, grounds beautification, prep work, and cleaning. All volunteers are welcome. Additionally, donations are also needed.

How do I help?

To contribute to the campaign, please send your check to the Believe in Our Schools Fund at the Baltimore Community Foundation, 2 East Read Street, Baltimore, MD 21202. To partner with individual schools, coordinate your contribution of supplies and materials or to volunteer, please contact David Costello at 410-396-7541 or via e-mail at {david.costello@baltimorecity.gov}.

For more information and to get your school assignment, please contact Eric Friedman, 410-396-4085, {eric.friedman@baltimorecity.gov}, Tom DeWire, 410-545-3355, {tom.dewire@baltimorecity.gov} or David Hanna, 410-396-1654, {david.hanna2@baltimorecity.gov}.

For too long, the students of Baltimore’s City Schools have been subjected to less than acceptable learning environments where often times windows fail to open, toilets lack enclosures, and playgrounds are littered with trash. These conditions are NOT conducive to an effective learning environment for ANY child. Furthermore, conditions of this sort convey a message that we do not care about them. It’s time we show our care and concern to our students. So, grab your paintbrushes and checkbooks and become a volunteer now so that we ensure the best possible opening day for our students in September.