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FY 07 Budget Update

The Governor’s budget request for the 2007 fiscal year includes a recommendation for a $9.75 million increase for Towson University, the components of which are:

$ 5,218 million for mandatory cost increases
$ 4,427 million for enrollment increases ($5500 X 805 FTEs)
$ 250 thousand for capital campaign / fundraising
$(146) thousand adjustment from the Department of Budget and Management

$ 9.75 million increase

We also estimate that an additional $1.655 million for Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) will be added to our funding, providing a potential increase in our state appropriation of $11.04 million.

The state appropriation increase is approximately 18.5% including the COLA and is the second largest percentage increase in the System, a fact that we should be proud and thankful for.