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Phishing Alert: Chevy Chase Bank Scam

E-mails that claim to be sent from Chevy Chase Bank were recently received in several university e-mail accounts, requesting that account holders confirm account information by visiting a seemingly legitimate banking Web site. Please be advised that these e-mails are part of a phishing scam and are not affiliated in any way with TU’s Chevy Chase branch or any other Chevy Chase bank. If you receive this e-mail or one like it, please forward it to {abuse@chevychasebank.net} and then immediately delete it.

Phishing involves the use of seemingly legitimate e-mail messages and Web sites to deceive customers into disclosing private information, such as bank account numbers, Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, passwords, etc. Bank logos, Web links and graphics are used to mislead e-mail recipients. Some customers could mistakenly submit financial and personal information to the perpetrator who will use it to gain access to financial records or accounts, commit identity theft or engage in other illegal acts.

To help safeguard against phishing, OTS recommends following this advice: