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Wastewater Violation Information from Environmental Health and Safety

Environmental Health & Safety needs your assistance. We have received wastewater monitoring data from our contractor for the 2nd Quarter, CY ’05 (April, May & June) and, unfortunately, continue to have serious pH discharge violations. We are in violation of our Baltimore County Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit. Our Permit restricts what we can legally pour down campus drains.

This quarter, we had two illegal discharges to the campus sanitary sewer system that lasted a total of approximately 13 minutes and were outside the allowable pH limits specified in our permit. All discharges to the sewer system must be between pH 6.0 and 10.0. Any discharges outside of these pH limits violate our permit and potentially subjects the university to monetary fines and/or civil penalties. If we are able to identify the source of the illegal discharges, the violating department will be responsible for any assessed fines and/or penalties.

Since we received our initial Wastewater Discharge Permit in 1997, we have spent in excess of $400,000.00 in an attempt to identify and eliminate the sources of these and previous discharges.

Please be conscious of what you pour down the drain and collect all wastes with a pH of less than 6.0 or greater than 10.0 for disposal by Environmental Health & Safety.

If you have any questions, please don?t hesitate to contact us at x4-2949.