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Towson Unplugged Wireless Installation Underway

On Monday, Aug. 16, the Office of Technology Services (OTS) will complete the network upgrade project. Towson University will then boast a completely new, state-of-the-art wired network that provides increased reliability, performance, manageability and security.

Upgrading the core network infrastructure was done in part to provide a reliable foundation on which to build Towson Unplugged, the campus? upcoming wireless network. This was necessary because wireless networks depend on traditional wired networks to operate.

Installation of wireless equipment for Towson Unplugged is currently underway, but wireless service will not be available until approximately the end of fall semester 2004. Over the next few months, the wireless equipment will be configured for use by the general campus, as well as tested for stability and performance. Security systems will also be tested and validated to ensure the maximum level of security is employed for Towson Unplugged.

OTS will begin the wireless installation process by installing radio transmitters called access points throughout campus. These access points will serve as base stations that broadcast radio signals for the wireless network.

When a user with a wireless enabled laptop computer is within the signal of a particular access point, they will be able to connect to the regular network without wires. You will be able to use the wireless network as long as you stay in an access point’s ?radio zone.? As you wander to different radio zones, your laptop will automatically search for and connect to the appropriate access point to stay connected to Towson Unplugged. In total, Towson Unplugged will include more than 400 access points, allowing you to connect virtually anywhere on campus.

Installation of the access points will not affect network usage in any way; you will be able to use the network and Internet as usual. OTS and Northrop Grumman Information Technology employees will be present in each campus building as access points are installed in it. They are available to answer any questions you might have.

For more information about Towson Unplugged, including FAQs and laptop buying guidelines, go to {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/ots/networkcom/towsonunplugged.asp}.