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Voice Your Opinion on Your SGA’s Elections

Did you vote in the 2008 presidential election?

Have your voice heard again at Towson by voting for the SGA’s new election policy!

The Towson SGA will discuss the proposed new election policy December 16th at 5pm in the Loch Raven room in the University Union.

At the previous SGA Meeting on Dcember 9th, 2008, the SGA debated whether the executive board should run as a ticket rather than as a party with individual candidates.
Below is a link to the Proposed 2009 Spring Election Policy and the ways to give input.

Proposed 2009 Spring Election Policy :


Ways to Give Input:

1. Come to the SGA’s emergency meeting on December 16th SGA meeting in the Loch Raven Room or
2. Email your input to {SGA@towson.edu}. Your input put will be read before the SGA.

For more information please contact the SGA Vice President, James Torrence, at {jtorre5@towson.edu}.