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New Account Management Features in Open Webmail!

Beginning today, Thursday, May 13, the Office of Technology Services (OTS) is introducing two new features that will help you to better manage your e-mail storage space.

A new graphic in Open Webmail informs you of the percentage of space you have used out of the amount allocated to you by the university. By monitoring the graphic regularly, you will ensure your account remains active and usable.

The graphic, which features a blue bar that grows according to the amount of space you?ve used, will always be available in the upper right corner of your message list?the page that appears after you log in. As an added feature, the bar will turn red when you have reached 90 percent or more of your allocated storage, serving as a warning that you need to clear up some space.

The second new feature is a self-service tool that will allow you to fix your account in the event you use up all of your available space, which is currently set at 20 MB (megabytes), or the amount of space available on about 14 floppy disks.

If you exceed the quota, your account will become unusable and all messages sent to you will be returned to the sender as ?undeliverable.? An error message will also appear when you try to log into Webmail.

If this happens to you, click on the Account Management link, found under the Contents menu on the left of the Webmail login page ({http://webmail.towson.edu}). From the Account Management page, click Temporarily Raise Your Quota. Finally, log in with your Tiger username and password to free up space in your account so you can send and receive e-mails again.

To free up space, review your files to determine if they can be deleted or archived (e.g., moved to disk or CD). If you?d like to download copies of your e-mail user file from the Tiger server, click Create a ZIP backup of your files from the Account Management page. You can then download the ZIP file by clicking on the disk icon while logged into Webmail.

If you have questions, please contact the OTS Help Center, x4-5151 or {helpcenter@towson.edu}.