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FCSM Undergraduate Research and Travel Grants

Welcome back to all faculty and students! The Fisher College Science and Mathematics offers undergraduate research and travel funding opportunities.

The research grant application deadline is on the fourth Friday of the fall term, 09/21/2018, 2018 for Fall 2018 or Fall 2018+Spring 2019 projects, and on the fourth Friday in January, 01/25/2019, for Spring 2019 or Spring+Summer 2019 projects. The application form and instructions can be found at the FCSM Undergraduate Research website: https://www.towson.edu/fcsm/research/. Please, be sure to read the instructions for grant preparation carefully.

Research funds may be used for supplies, books, software, and equipment. They may also be used to support travel to and from a research site. Funds may not be used for stipends or reimbursement for services. Proposals must be written by the student under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Faculty mentors may be full-time or adjunct faculty of Towson University. Budget requests of up to $500 will be considered. Any equipment purchased with these grant monies will remain the property of Towson University. Students are eligible to receive funding only once per academic year.

Research grant proposals should be submitted electronically as a Microsoft Word attachment to Dr. Angel Kumchev, FCSM Acting Associate Dean, at akumchev@towson.edu. Proposal cover sheets, signed by faculty mentors, should be submitted in person to Dr. Kumchev in the FCSM Dean’s Office, SM 312C.

Proposals will not be accepted after 4:00 p.m. on the deadline date.

Travel grants to present at professional meetings are accepted on a rolling basis. Please go the aforementioned website for more information. To request a travel grant, you need to fill in an on line Travel Authorization Form at least three weeks before you travel.  You should work with your departmental travel coordinator. Please make sure to attach your abstract and acceptance documentation. Budget requests up to $500.00 will be considered. Students are eligible to receive funding only once per academic year.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Angel Kumchev at akumchev@towson.edu.