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In case you missed it: three things you need to know about Blackboard

Here are the Blackboard changes that were performed over the summer:

The way you get support has changed
Blackboard support is back on campus, and is provided by the TU Blackboard team. Blackboard 24/7 is no longer being used. See all the different ways to get support at towson.edu/blackboard.

The environment has been updated
The annual Blackboard update was completed on August 11 and 12. The Blackboard, Inc. environment was updated to Q4 2017.

A sign-on feature was added at login
When signing into Blackboard, if you aren’t already in a TU system, you might notice a new screen that asks you for your NetID and password. Read the T3 article to learn more and see the look of the login page. Be sure to make these updates:

If you’ve bookmarked Blackboard you may need to update the link to http://blackboard.towson.eduIf you are using the Blackboard Mobile app (Blackboard for students, Blackboard Instructor for Faculty) you will need to:

  1. remove Towson University from “Institution”
  2. search again for Towson University
  3. login again

If you need help or have any Blackboard-related questions, contact the TU Blackboard team.

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