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You’re Invited to Celebrate Ramadan with Refugees

Ramadan with Refugees

Thursday, June 7th

8 PM-11 PM

University Union, Potomac Lounge, Towson University

The Sponsored Students Program Office invites you to join us to learn more about the experiences of local refugees from the International Rescue Committee (IRC). Through this event we want to establish Islam Awareness and refugee awareness, and also educate all guests about the month of Ramadan. Dr. Sana Kirmani, Islamic Scholar, Muslim Chaplain and Advisor to Muslim Students at Towson University, will be sharing brief remarks and leading evening prayer.

This event was established to promote cultural and community integration. Most residents of Baltimore are unaware that we are home to a large group of refugees and asylees. Established in our local communities, at least half of this population of established refugees are devout Muslims. We have invited a group of local refugees from the International Rescue Committee to join us for Iftar that evening.  Iftar is the tradition of breaking fast at sunset.

Dinner will be provided. ALL are welcome to participate and join us for a discussion about the significance of Ramadan in the Muslim Community. This event is co-sponsored by the TU Muslim Student Association.


On SSP@Towson.edu or on EventBrite:


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