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New York Times Talk! “I’ll Sleep when I’m DEAD: A conversation about the importance of sleep and developing healthy sleep habits in college.”

Join the Office of Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility in partnership with Dr. Tamara Burton from the Department of Interprofessional Health Studies for our next New York Times Talk of the semester. This New York Times Talk is part of National Public Health Month and will discuss how sleep habits and sleep deprivation can impact students personal, academic and athletic performance.  Additionally, tips for a better nights sleep and healthy sleep habits with be discussed.  Come out and hear about ways you can improve your sleep habits and improve your health as well. To get ready for this Talk, please read the following article and stayed tuned for other potential articles to aid in the discussion: http://www.cnn.com/2017/07/19/health/dangers-of-sleep-deprivation/index.html Limited paper copies will also be available during the event. This event will be hosted on April 19 in the University Union Loch Raven Room from 12-1:30p.m. Lunch will be provided!